Skills that help save lives

Publication date: 28.05.2024

The InterFamily Simulation Training Center conducted interesting and informative trainings for Plast members!

It is difficult to overestimate the wealth of knowledge and skills that the participants of the training have gained. Theoretical and practical part, consolidation of knowledge and familiarization with cyborg robots

Training topics:

Basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation: Participants learned how to perform effective resuscitation in case of cardiac and respiratory arrest. This is an extremely important skill that can save lives.

Bleeding: The shepherds gained knowledge about different types of bleeding and how to stop them. It is important to know how to provide first aid for bleeding.

The laws of providing first aid to a person in need: Participants learned about the rules and responsibilities for providing first aid. This is important to preserve life and health.

First aid in case of electric shock, poisoning, burns, sun/heat stroke, fracture, snake/animal/bee sting: The shepherds learned practical skills to provide assistance in various emergency situations.

Infectious diseases: Participants analyzed the most important infectious diseases, their signs and ways to prevent them. Knowledge about infections will help herders be prepared for any situation.

Plast members were grateful for the interesting experience and vital knowledge