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(Копія)Arterial hypertension: how to tame the dragon


The training was organized within the framework of the international European project “Showup4Health” with the support of Interfamily LLC and the Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care of the Medical Faculty #2 of UzhNU.”

Format: Offline
Starting at: 3 pm
Location: Uzhhorod, Ivana Franka St., 20, Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care, Medical Faculty #2, UzhNU

Out of stock

Training objective:
To teach students, interns, and doctors:
– to screen for hypertension;
– to choose the optimal treatment strategy for a patient;
– to prescribe personalized therapy to achieve target blood pressure values.

Training program

Educational lecture
– Rules for measuring blood pressure.
– Phenomena of “white coat hypertension” and masked hypertension.
– Basics of daily blood pressure monitoring (DBPM) and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM).

Stage 2: Working with ABPM
– Analysis of the results of three examples of ABPM.
– Decision-making on patient management (small group work).

Stage 3: Measurement of blood pressure
– Analysis of correctness and errors when working with mechanical and automatic blood pressure monitors.
– Practical blood pressure measurements in small groups.

Stage 4: Interactive lecture
– When to start medication treatment.
– Goals of therapy: to what level to reduce blood pressure and for how long.
– Optimal treatment strategies for patients with hypertension.

Stage 5: Clinical assignment
– Work in groups: developing a treatment strategy for patients with different initial clinical data.

Stage 6: Master class
– “Antihypertensive menu”: medications for typical patients and special medications for complex cases.

Stage 7: Interactive testing
– Choosing the best medications for the treatment of hypertension in specific clinical situations.
– Using the Slido program to discuss answers and analyze errors.

Question and Answer Session
Answers to participants’ questions, discussion of difficult points.

Final assessment of knowledge
– Retesting on normal blood pressure levels, starting therapy and target values.

We invite you to the training to gain practical skills and relevant knowledge for the effective treatment of patients with hypertension!

This is a strange question for a doctor.
What level should be reached,
How many pills should be started,
Who should be referred for a DMBP,
And who does not need treatment?
Who will take pril and who will start sartan,
Who should be prescribed a beta-blocker.
What if the blood pressure is “stubborn as a sheep”,
Because it is resistant. How to deal with it?
What to do if you have diabetes,
Or if you need an urgent surgery
We will reveal this secret to the audience,
We will explain it in detail at the training



Starting at

3 pm


Uzhhorod, Ivana Franka St., 20, Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care, Medical Faculty #2, UzhNU
