International training with the experts from the United States. Neuropathways of physical trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder. Using acupuncture and the latest therapeutic techniques
On 5th of December, at 10:00, Tony McCarty will repeat the paramedics training. In addition to students, the police, military, firefighters, and other employees who may face emergencies at work are invited
On 4th of December, at 15:00, Tony McCarty will conduct a new training. In addition to students, the police, military, firefighters, and other employees who may face emergencies at work are invited
26th of October, at 12:00. This free of charge training from Tony McCarty will familiarize and practice TCCS-ASM skills. The number of seats is limited.
27th of November, at 15:00. Tactical medicine training from Tony McCarty will familiarize and practice TCCS-ASM skills. The number of seats is limited. Your donates are apreciated