“Tactical Medicine in Action” practical training was held on September 10

Publication date: 14.09.2024

We had an incredible experience during the training from an American combat medic who shared with us the knowledge and skills that save lives on the battlefield.

🔹 How to use the tourniquet correctly? We analyzed every step of using this important tool. We also learned about alternatives that can be useful in emergency situations.

🔹 MARCH protocol is no longer just letters, but concrete actions. The doctor explained in detail how to provide assistance under this protocol, which includes:

M – control of massive bleeding,
A – ensuring airway patency,
R – respiratory support,
C – restoration of blood circulation,
H – hypothermia and care for the wounded.
The doctor also shared the nuances of providing assistance at different stages – from the battlefield to evacuation.

💪 It was not just a training, but a real life lesson, where we realized how important it is to be prepared for any situation. The skills we have acquired today can be a decisive factor in saving lives.