Post release #4

The sixth month of a heroic struggle that Ukraine is waging against the Russian invaders makes us even stronger and more confident in our final victory. 

All those days full of human loss and destruction we feel your support and we are grateful to you!

1.Thanks to your constant help we are close to the completion of our joint ambitious project to build a unique International Family Medicine Clinic for Refugees, one of the few peaceful projects in Ukraine during the war.   We are happy to inform you that he grand opening of the clinic will take place on September 23, 2022. We are sorry that you will not be able to share this very important event with us here in Ukraine under the current situation in the country but you are always welcome to visit us giving your training and lectures the same as providing practical medical service to our patients. We promise to share our video report of the event. 

2 We are proud to inform you that we have launched a new project under the name  “EUSIT Patient Education Project “ (EUSIT PEP Project) that  may become an integral part of “EUSIT”(The EURACT Ukraine Support in Training).  We believe that many of you will take part in realization of this project and will share your knowledge and provide some financial assistance at the first stage of our Clinic activity to support our doctor and resident staff working on a volunteer basis.

3.The web site of the Clinic is in the process of its development.