Post release #1

PROJECTInternational Family Medicine Clinic of Uzhgorod (IFMCU)” 


In order to keep our sponsors up to date, we decided to send you  systematic report on the implementation of our project International Family Medicine Clinic of Uzhgorod (IFMCU)”.

For nearly 3 months Ukraine heroically defends its right for independence in its bloody struggle against the Russian invaders.

Our team of doctors, residents, senior students as volunteers has been providing medical services and medications to the refugees of Uzhhorod at the newly organized Free Volunteer Family Medical Consultation Centre.

A financial help from The European society of family doctors WONCA EUROPE, EURACT and EGPRN has exceeded our expectations and made it possible carry on our Project.

  1. A system of transferring donation funds to our Hungarian bank account has proved to be efficient and is still successfully functioning.    
  2. Having got the approval from our sponsors to use the donations for the purposes of the future International Family Medicine Clinic of Uzhgorod (IFMCU)”, we have purchased the premises (130.00 m2) and made all the necessary arrangements as to is legalization and repairing. 
  3. We finally decided on the name of our project as “International Family Medicine Clinic of Uzhgorod (IFMCU)”
  4. We studied and defined the role and the place of NGO and Clinic as a business, in the future development of a new enterprise. We have two co-founders of the future Clinic: NGO branch of Charity Foundation ’Shidno Evropejska Misija” (CFSEM) in Uzhgorod and a group of volunteers who are the founders of the “International Family Medicine Clinic of Uzhhorod”.

To become a sustainable official business company (with state capitation), “International Family Medicine Clinic of Uzhhorod” needs official licensing from the Ministry of Health Care which is possible only after the war. Till the end of the war only non-profit volunteer can get donations. Thus, to make the process legal NGO as a charity foundation will be the only optimal solution to support the enterprise during the war and partly after the war.

To make the Clinic sustainable we regard 2 stages of its development: Non-profitable

(during the war) and profitable (after the war).

1). Non-profitable stage (during the war) 

According to the future agreement with the owner of the new space 130 m2 (the future Clinic) NGO will rent all this space for free and will be responsible for constructing, refurbishment, and other one-time expenditures. During this time NGO is and will be eligible for donations and will control all the finance flow. It will also be responsible for running Clinic during the war. To satisfy the running costs we’ll need the international financial support

2). Profitable stage (after the end of the war). 

To make the Clinic service independent and sustainable after the war we need to start running  the Clinic as a business.

As NGOs can’t get the state supported capitation fees for the assigned population it neither can be a sustainable project expecting donations for a long perspective, nor it can provide any official medical help or practical medical teaching by itself. And even during this time, provided that the donations will continue coming from different international and local sponsors, NGO will preserve its role as an additional financial supporter of the Clinic from non- profit donors.

We hope that donations will keep on coming from our international donors to the same bank account.