EGPRN conference

Publication date: 15.05.2024

Adventures of Ukrainian scientists in Europe

Ukrainians continue to “conquer” Europe, albeit in the intellectual sense: Oksana Mykytchak, a young lecturer and researcher at the Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care and a doctor at the InretFamily clinic spoke at the conference of the European Scientific Society with a project developed jointly with the family doctor of “InretFamily”, postgraduate student of the Department of SMAD Yurii Sich

The presentation was a great success and aroused great interest in the European scientific community

Another star has risen and shone on the European scientific horizon.

Congratulations to Helena, Vlad, and the team of researchers on their brilliant presentation of the virtual clinical practice project!

Natalia Ponzel, a young lecturer at the Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care, a researcher and winner of the last EGPRN conference brilliantly performed at the “elevator be pitch” session: 1 hour before the section, she came up with a study and presented it perfectly in 2 minutes

Pavlo Kolesnyk, Head of the Department of Family Medicine, successfully presented a research project using virtual clinical equipment at the EGPRN conference. in teaching evidence-based screening to young doctors, developed with a young researcher Vlad Lazarik.

The report provoked a lot of questions and discussion among European colleagues

Bravo! Keep up the good work! We are proud of our scientists! Returned to Ukraine with state-of-the-art equipment Wait for new posts about a virtual family doctor’s office with new equipment