19, 20 and 25 of September, Dr. Rampton consulting at the "InterFamily" Clinic

Publication date: 10.08.2024

During his visit to Uzhhorod, Dr. Rampton and a team of doctors from the “InterFamily” Clinic (co-founded by our American colleague and friend) will consult patients with various health problems.

Who can make an appointment?

All patients who are declared in the clinic (if you wish, you can sign a declaration with the clinic doctor, which will take a few minutes).

When and where will the consultations be held and how can I attend?

The consultations of the American expert doctor and experienced doctors of the “InterFamily” Clinic together with young doctors and interns will be held by appointment. Dr. Rampton’s consultations are scheduled for September 19, 20 (9.00-13.00), September 25 (14.00-18.00).

How to get an appointment with the American family doctor?

By appointment through the reception of the “InterFamily” Clinic, a patient registered with our clinic should visit a family doctor, who, after examination, will determine the need for a consultation with an American doctor and make an appointment.

How much will a consultation with the American doctor cost?

Appointments will be made by appointment through the reception, and consultations will be free (for donations).

How many patients will the American colleague be able to see?

Please note: Unfortunately, the number of consultations with an American doctor is very limited, so a preliminary examination by an “InterFamily” family doctor is required, who will select patients for further consultation.

What diagnostic procedures will the doctor perform?

As always, our American colleague will add to the clinic’s impressive arsenal of medical diagnostic and therapeutic tools.
Formations on the skin. Patients with questionable skin lesions (large and small) can visit us, and if they wish, they will be painlessly removed with further laboratory diagnostics. In this case, the punch biopsy method will be used with the help of special equipment.
Problems in the rectal area. The doctor will examine the rectum by anoscopy.
Gynecological examination, assessment of women’s health.
Examination of joints and determination of their dysfunction.


Information about the American doctor Mark Rampton

Dr. Mark Rampton, M.D. was born and raised in Corvallis, Oregon, USA, and received his engineering degree from Oregon State University, followed by a medical degree at Oregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU) He served as a physician in the U.S. Army from 1987 to 1993 in Georgia and California.  In 1984 Dr. Rampton and his wife, Alice, returned to Corvallis where they helped established Corvallis Family Medicine.

Dr. Rampton has enjoyed practicing medicine in his hometown where he has had the privilege of providing medical care to many patients, including former teachers and classmates.  He is an advocate of the Family Medicine philosophy in which the scope of care includes all individuals, regardless of their age or gender.  His practice includes newborn care and pediatrics, general adult care, geriatric medicine, office surgery, sports medicine and emergency care.

Volunteering locally and abroad has been one of Dr. Rampton’s interests.  He was part of a medical team that went to Haiti immediately following the earthquake in 2011 and has been recognized internationally for his efforts to promote Family Medicine in western Ukraine.  He has visited Uzhhorod, Ukraine every year for 31 years, working with the faculty of the Uzhhorod National University Medical School on curriculum development. Dr. Rampton enjoys teaching medical students and residents at his office (Corvallis Family Medicine), at OHSU in Portland and at Samaritan Health Services in Corvallis.

In 1996 Dr. Mark Rampton was awarded the Oregon Family Physician of the year, and the following year was a finalist for the American Academy of Family Physicians Doctor of the Year.  He has received several other awards including the Howland Special Achievement award in 2001 and the OHSU Volunteer Faculty recognition award in 2008.

Dr. Rampton has served as a youth teacher at church, scout leader, and Bishop of his local congregation.  He enjoys hiking, canoeing and canoe building, gardening, fishing, singing and playing the guitar. He is the proud husband of Alice, father of five daughters and two sons, and grandfather of twenty five grandchildren.

Set an appointment with Dr. Rampton


    Patient's status

    IDP (Internally Displaced Person)

    With assigned 'Inter Family' clinic contract

    Without assigned 'Inter Family' clinic contract