Maryana Rostoka-Reznikova

Family physician, pulmonologist

Allergist, family physician, pulmonologist of the “InterFamily” clinic.

Areas of work:
Pulmonologist, family doctor, therapist with about 20 years of experience, doctor of the highest category;
Volunteer to help IDPs;
Lecturer, PhD in Medicine, Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine at the Medical Faculty #2 of Uzhhorod National University;
Lecturer of internal medicine and clinical immunology and allergology courses for English-speaking foreign students;
Mentoring work – mentor of trainees – students and interns at the InterFamily clinic.

Membership in medical societies/associations:
Member of the regional society of therapists of Transcarpathian region;
Member of the Board of the European Academy of Family Medicine Teachers EURACT;
Member of the Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine.

Life credo: “Acta non verba!” – “Not in word, but in deed!”

Make an appointment to a consultation/tests

    Patient's status

    IDP (Internally Displaced Person)

    With assigned 'Inter Family' clinic contract

    Without assigned 'Inter Family' clinic contract

    Service type

    Family physician consultation

    Medical specialists consultation

    Laboratory diagnostics

    Functional diagnostics

    Health screening


    Procedures and other services

    Medical consultations by phone