Pavlo Kolesnyk

Family physician, gastroenterologist

PhD, associate professor.

Head of the department of family medicine and outpatient care, medical faculty #2, Uzhhorod National University.

Director of the Educational and Scientific Training Center for Family Medicine and Pre-Hospital Care of the Uzhhorod National University.

Publications in medical journals: 250 published works in Ukraine and abroad.

Publications in Scopus journals: 8

Speaker at national and international conferences.

Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Make an appointment to a consultation/tests

    Patient's status

    IDP (Internally Displaced Person)

    With assigned 'Inter Family' clinic contract

    Without assigned 'Inter Family' clinic contract

    Service type

    Family physician consultation

    Medical specialists consultation

    Laboratory diagnostics

    Functional diagnostics

    Health screening


    Procedures and other services

    Medical consultations by phone